
Wednesday 17 September 2014

British tag

1. How many cups of tea a day?
      I normally have 2 morning and night, unless it's winter then it's like 7. I have them with one spoon of sugar.

2. What is the best bit on a roast?  
Potatoes!  Could live on roasted potatoes. 

3. Favourite dunking biscuit?  
Custard cream or Digestives.

4. British things you do? 
Go to London theatre in the winter. 

5.   Favourite word
"Yes" I prefer not to say 'yeah' 'ok' as I don't like how it sounds but yes is quite blunt so I use it occasionally. 

6. Marmite? 
In actual fact I've never tried it, or even smelt it?  Is that bad?

7. Favourite sweet?
Teeth and tooth brushes in the pink packet, just finished eating a packet

8. Favourite shop?
River Island

9. British person
Emma Watson and nail horan they are both amazing.

10.  What would you call your pub?
Lion something... I'm into lions at the moment but have no idea on a name?

11. Cockney slang
Barnet fair- hair
Apple and pears- stairs

12. British song?
Yellow submarine no idea why that's in My head, is it even British?

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