
Monday 1 September 2014

Education supplies

Whats in my bag

A lot of people are starting school this week or next week or even college and university. This blog is to help know what i take with me to college, Plus what i need for the year to help keep myself organised with the course work options. 

Equipment: I have a variety of different pencils and pens as i never know which one works the best, some just make your hand writing even worse then it already is. This is why i have ballpoint one and ink style pen.
Always get a new memory stick for the new year in order to take my work home and complete it soon as possible. All this equipment is put into a small pencil case as i want my bag clean

Must have: The must have things i need in my bag is having lip balm, Vaseline because my lips always chip especially since it will be getting colder and no one likes chapped lips. Next thing i take is a pack of tissues and baby wipes as you never know when you'll need them. Definite must have is deodorant and perfume to stay feeling fresh throughout the day.

Bits ans pieces: Things i randomly take;, most of the time i get a new notepad, but it always seems to never use it but im going to try and use it to this year. 
The last things that are in my bag is a pack of mints and a umbrella as its supposed to rain.

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