
Wednesday 10 September 2014

Mid week wonder

Handy facts

  1. Use Earl grey teabags to get rid of a sunburn. When you are red and irritable as you are burning from the inside out rap tree of them into a small towel or I use a flannel then soak into a bowl of water until you think the its dissolved then hold it onto the sunburned areas.
  2. Everyone loves the look of candles in jars but its so awkward trying to light them if you don't have a long lighter. use a dry spaghetti  strand then light the end, this will ignite and be easier to reach the awkward candle.  
  3. Dreaded blackheads! this is a natural way to remove them. To do this: use a cotton ball or pad and get fine salt, baking soda and gel facial wash.- Mix a table spoon of baking soda and salt  into your gel, Once this is done apply on a damp face After this stage make sure you leave it on for 5 minute. Watch this magic work.

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