
Monday 8 September 2014

modays DIY


Sorry for not posting Sunday. But I think I wont be posting on Sundays as I need to keep up to date with course work ready for the oncoming week. however I had another excuse; I was helping with the refurbishment of our front room as we wanted it bigger and more modern- light colours.
In this first photo you can see the original two sets of colour schemes and wallpapers, but since we had taken the wall down it was made clear that we needed new carpet and décor, spending spree!
buying wallpapers and a red carpet as it makes it feel warmer and homely.
We had been thinking off having a lounge dinner for a while now just haven't been sure if it looks alright. However I am  really pleased with the overall result, having like this I don't feel isolated when doing work or revision.  as I work on the table in the dinning room because it is close to the food cupboard and drinks.
The wallpaper is Demona- lollipop red. and cream line wallpaper for the other 3 walls.

Follow me on Instagram: MeganMeades
and Twitter:  MeganMeades

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