
Thursday 16 October 2014

Mid week wonder

Epsom salts

I found this great new remedy to help the skin
Epsom salts have been out for years but they are a natural source.

Curing hangovers and losing weight. 

If you place 2 mug full of these in your bath (no other products) and lay in there for 25 minutes it should help you too lose weight this is because magnesium is being absorbed which then draws out toxins and water retention. If you feel bloated it should help with them symptoms to stop bloating.  It is recommended that you bathe in this solution 3 times a week.

Continuing with Epsom salts it has more then one use. If you apply 1/2 a teaspoon of Epsom salts to your usual cleanser it will help the skin as it will boost your skins magnesium level, making your skin feel and look healthier

Another good thing about theses salts is that it helps with washing your hair and what I like is products which prevent your hair getting greasy. If you add 2 tablespoons to your shampoo you are using its will absorb all the natural oil in your hair to have an even better clean then just shampoo.

You can use this to exfoliate your skin,  this product is a natural base and will help to get rid of any dead skin and will reduce the depth of acne scars. It also helps with preventing spots. For any open wounds or damage to the skin Epsom salts help with skin rejuvenation.
To do this; rub Epsom salts around the area you want before entering the shower or bath once you feel like you have exfoliated then rinse of the salts leaving your skin healthy and glowing.

Many people use the latest tablet in the market for detox, but the best way to detox your body is using again Epsom salts if you get the powered (consumable) salts and mix a spoon with water and drink it. This then helps to absorb water into the intestine making the consumed food softer to easily pass through.

However I wouldn't do this unless you talk to your doctor ad there could be side affects like any products.
Some side affects include irritated bowls and diarrhoea.


  1. Epsom salts are fantastic. Last year, me and my boyfriend made home made bath salts for all of the women in our families, I did personal labels for them too. It was wonderful and they loved them so much! And obviously- you need bucket loads of epsom salts to make them!!
    Jessie x

    1. That's such a brilliant idea and lovely too:) x
